My Yoga Journey

picture of me doing yoga

When I was little, my mom was a yoga teacher, so I was introduced to the practice at a young age. It wasn't until around freshman year of college that I really got into yoga and started practicing regularly. I fell in love with yoga and decided that I wanted to learn more and become a yoga teacher. In May 2020, I became a certified yoga instructor through Texas State University's Yoga Teacher Training program. I continue to practice yoga and work on growing as an instructor.

One of the things that I have learned during my yoga journey is that yoga is much more than physical activity. It is a whole mental, emotional, and physical experience. A yoga posture is not a specific shape, but rather a feeling. I am passionate about mental and physical health and I am able to practice that through yoga. The Eight Limbs of Yoga include practices such as breathwork (pranayama) and meditation (dhyana). The tools that I have learned to use through yoga have helped me focus on and improve my mental and physical health.

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

I plan on expanding my brand as a yoga instructor through a variety of platforms. I want to build a website dedicated to my teaching and create a newsletter to update my students on class information and other content. I aim to be accessible to my community in a variety of ways. I believe I have learned and grown a lot throughout my yoga journey and I love helping others thrive in their own journeys. Yoga is a lifestyle that has had a significant positive impact on the quality of life of myself and many others.