Outdoor Adventures

Ever since I was little my family and I would often go camping at state parks and roadtrip to different places. I have visited many Texas state parks as well as traveled to Canada, Peru, and the Dominican Republic. I have seen a lot of beautiful nature along the way. I have enjoyed seeing the variety in envrionments of different places. I've been able to slide down sand dunes in Texas and snow hills in Ontario. I love visiting places where I get to experience a new environment and a new culture.

I have a few favorite memories from the places that I have traveled to so far. Whenever my family drove through California, we stayed at Big Sur where I saw a forest of redwood trees for the first time. I was in such awe at how huge and how red these trees are. Not only were they really tall, some were also wide enough for us to drive through the trunk of a redwood tree in our car! A real breathtaking moment for me was when I saw Machu Picchu in Peru. My family and I hiked for hours in the mountains on an old Incan trail until we got to a stunning view of the Machu Picchu ruins. This was one of those views that photos can never do justice. I am so grateful I've gotten to experience such interesting places and I cannot wait to explore more.

picture of trees and hiking trail

While I love exploring new parks, I make sure to do my part to take care of our environment at the same time. Be sure to leave nothing but footprints and take nothing but pictures. It is also important to prepare properly for camping and hiking trips. A lack of planning can lead to dangerous situations. These seven principles are a good resource for outdoor ethics provided by Leave No Trace.

  1. Plan Ahead & Prepare
  2. Travel & Camp on Durable Surfaces
  3. Dispose of Waste Properly
  4. Leave What You Find
  5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
  6. Respect Wildlife
  7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has additional information on park activities and much more. Below are a few more examples of good outdoor habits, some fun outdoor activities, and a few state parks that are not far from San Marcos.

Good Habits Activities Parks Near San Marcos
Stay hydrated Hiking McKinney Falls State Park
Wear proper shoes Swimming Pedernales Falls State Park
UV Protection Fishing Guadalupe River State Park